Please can you read through this short document which has been put together to ensure all players
understand how we are trying to develop Walking Football New Zealand events moving
Could we ask that this document is shared by the club Managers/Organisers with all current players
participating and also given to any new players joining any of our events in the future.
While participating in any of the Walking Football New Zealand events everyone follows the
Code of Conduct outlined below. The following Code of Conduct is designed to support the current
rules and enhance the present game, promoting its further devolvement.
Any person participating in any of the Walking Football New Zealand events agrees to abide by
the Code of Conduct set out below.
Code of Conduct
Team Managers/Organisers:
Check that all the players registered to take part are in the agreed age category on the day of
the matches.
Ensure current and new players have had an opportunity to read the Code of Conduct.
Communicate to all players and supporters that any articles/photos or information shared on
social media in relation to any Walking Football New Zealand events should be designed
to help to promote its development in the future in a positive way.
Players at all times should:
Abide by the Laws of the Game understanding that the Referees decision is final.
Not run or jog on or off the ball, including the goalkeeper.
Ensure they play Non-Contact walking football.
Promote and endorse Fair Play.
Respect themselves, fellow competitors and officials.
Abide by and accept in good grace the decisions of the officials.
Never engage in gamesmanship, bullying, intimidatory or unsporting behaviour.
Never engage in offensive, insulting, abusive or disrespectful language towards any other
person or persons.
Thank you for being part of the Walking Football New Zealand programme of events, we look
forward to seeing you soon.